
Origin Enterprises Plc –
Origin Enterprises Plc is a focused Agri-Services Group with interests in Food and Marine Proteins and Oils.

W&R Barnett –
W&R Barnett is the holding company of a diversified group of international commodity trading and agribusiness companies.

Precision Liquids –
Precision Liquids is the leading supplier of vegetable oils to the animal feed industry in Ireland.

Biosearch –
Biosearch is an experienced provider of UKAS accredited sampling and testing for the health, food, water and environmental industries in Ireland, having been involved in the analysis of food and animal feedstuffs for the past 20 years.

Irish Grain & Feed Association –
The Irish Grain and Feed Association (IGFA) is the representative body of the grain and feed industry and is recognised by Government as the official voice of the industry.

World Grain and Feed Trade Association –
We are an international Trade Association with over 1400 Members in 86 countries. Our aim is to promote international trade in grain, animal feed materials, pulses and rice and to protect the interests of our members worldwide, providing the support and international contacts they require.

Coceral –
The voice representing the European cereals, rice, feedstuffs, oilseeds, olive oil, oils and fats and agrosupply trade.

The European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation (FEFAC) was founded in 1959 by five national compound feed associations from France, Belgium, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands.

Northern Ireland Grain Trade Association –
The Northern Ireland Grain Trade Association represents traders, manufacturers, processors, distributors, brokers and service providers who are involved in the Northern Ireland agricultural supply trade.

Department of Agriculture and Rural Development –
The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) aims to promote sustainable economic growth and the development of the countryside in Northern Ireland.

Farm Africa –
Farm Africa believes that Africa has the power to feed itself and that its smallholders hold the key to lasting rural prosperity. We work directly with farmers to help them unleash their potential to feed Africa’s people.

LRQA is a leading UKAS-accredited provider of management system certification, verification and training.